- Tara, a CIA agent, undergoes an operation that allows her to genetically morph into different people via DNA injections. This enables her to go into any country and "fit in" for any mission. However, when her dad dies mysteriously, Tara begins to question her superior/ controller, Hype, as she wades through t…
- 擅长嘴炮忽悠人的大贤良师黄鱼哥,谁也不知道他具体从事什么工作,总觉得是一股四处挑事的无业游民。他爱装逼,单总是被打;爱炫富,但其实很穷;爱展示自己的睿智思想和言辞,其实蠢得让人发指。他卖得了萌,风的起骚,却又有莫名的替天行道的正义感。他是你,也是我,是每一个生活中普通的人。
- February 24, 2022: Russian troops are flooding into Ukraine. After the initial shock, how do you respond? For Marine Hugonnier, it was by using her own weapons – film and images – driven by what she describes as, “a desire to create a common front and a common image”. This is her declared agenda. She takes a two-pronge…
- 'Master Stu' is a Surinamese folk singer living in the Netherlands. His wife Patrice acts as his songwriter and manager. Since the Corona measures, streets are empty and all of his gigs have been cancelled. Stu and Patrice come up with an alternative: free 'pavement parties' for the isolated elderly. Meanwhile, Stu's n…
- 享年仅仅37岁的巴西女歌手依莉丝·雷吉纳(Elis Regina),不但开创上世纪六零年代巴西流行乐MPB风潮,更是享誉国际的拉丁歌后。19岁便从PUB发迹的她,凭藉无懈可击的天籁嗓音掳获广大乐迷,热度更从驻唱舞台延烧到歌唱节目,一举成为众人爱戴的国民天后。除了歌唱技巧惊人,依莉丝在创作上更勇于提拔新秀,为乐坛注入鲜活魅力。辛辣敢冲的她,…