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  • 莱特是一只可爱的充满活力的小刺猬,她拥有自信的态度和生动的想象力,并且一直梦想着能成为无畏的英雄拯救世界。当有一天,森林里的动物醒来,发现神奇的水石失踪了,森林正面临着干旱,勇敢的刺猬莱特和胆小的松鼠栗宝自告奋勇的踏上寻找水魔法石的旅程,他们穿过了不毛之地,骗过了狡猾的狼群,终于找到了被熊王斑图偷走的神奇水石,开启了一…
  • 电影
    纪录片聚焦冰上曲棍球,负责enforcer职位的运动员,如何发挥「打倒对手,保护队友」的运动哲学。 冰上曲棍球中有一些球员担任enforcer(执行者),主要负责项目就是打架,一人身兼攻击与防守两职。本纪录片是专门聚焦enforcer的冰上曲棍球员,深入了解这项运动与奥妙之处@www.lsjdyw.et
  • Michael, who is known to tell tall tales, believes he sees a young girl get kidnapped. On their day off from high school, Michael convinces his friends to hunt down this perpetrator, leading them on a journey they'll never forget.
  • After falling in love with an aspiring fashion model, a conman attempts to get her work with India's top fashion design company.
  • The story of Action Hero Biju revolves around certain interesting episodes in the life of a young police officer, his personal and professional life. Nivin Pauly plays the titular role, Sub Inspector Biju Paulose, an officer in a Janamaithri Police Station. The situations take the story forward. Action Hero Biju is a r…
  • Clew is the story of Jack Hadrian, a painter living in the mid-21st century who contracts for the purchase of a Muse, a genetically engineered lifeform designed to be his perfect mate, after his fiancée disappears mysteriously.
  • 遥远的石器时代,阳光明媚的大草原上,穴居人老爸正坐在树下逗弄着他可爱的儿子。这时候小宝宝哇哇大哭,原来小家伙饿肚子了。老爸站起身准备给儿子找吃的,这时发现附近那棵香蕉树的所有果实全部被两只小黄人一扫而空。孩子哭得越来越厉害,老爸自然怒火中烧。正当他准备好好教训这两只小黄人的时候,父子俩同时发现不远处有一头正在吃草的野牛…
  • 在妻子遭到謀殺且女兒失蹤的五年後,退休警官傑瑞米加入一個追捕怪物的行動,傳說那怪物會懲罰頑皮的小孩。隨著怪物的行蹤越來越怪異,傑瑞米漸漸發現五年前女兒失蹤的真相,他也了解到自己身上背負著一個重大的使命,他必須解決這個數年來讓小鎮籠罩在恐懼陰影之下的聖誕怪物。
  • Jeremy, a local police officer leads a life of a confusing past, spending his current time searching for his kidnapper as a child. After other children begin missing, Jeremy pieces together