搜索 Human

  • 电影恐怖
  • Current Theega is a Telugu Action Comedy Romance directed by G. Nageswara Reddy. The village headman moxia.cc Sivarama Raju (Jagapathi Babu) has three daughters and the youngest one is Kavitha. Raju is a happy-go-lucky young man who drools over the super-hot teacher (Sunny Leone). He tries to win over Sivarama Raju who…
  • 电影恐怖
  • Freiheit im Herzen - Lasst es uns eilig haben, menschlich zu sein
    Woman, life, freedom! After the death of a young Iranian woman in Teheran, thousands take to the streets – in Germany too. Portrait of a protest which brought different generations together. On 13th September 2022, Jina Mahsa Amini was arr…
  • The film's story revolves around the family of the Qureshis and their pet goat. Circumstances result in goat acquiring rock star status in his village and beyond. Soon enough, people are fighting for a piece of the live goat. A rollicking climax ensues that provides the perfect finale to the mayhem that preceded it
  • Two blundering terrorists with lofty ideologies, but ordinary talent, on a mission to change the world.
  • 电视剧校园
    来势凶凶的女主,男主被整得很惨 温柔美丽的女孩总是别人眼中欺负的对象,讨厌的恶女三人组 校园剧必用的一招,英雄救美 恶女三人组遇见女主,没辙了 开始,女二是喜欢男主。Amon博士有异于常人的能力,为了秘密不被揭穿,残忍的杀害了Xinthuga的父母,迫使年幼的Xinthuga摔下悬崖。幸好被人在树下救起。因为Xinthuga失去记忆,所以改名为K…
  • 动漫童话
    《人类衰退以后》是田中罗密欧所著、山崎透担任插图绘制的日本轻小说作品。作为Gagaga文库的创刊轻小说之一,从2007年5月开始刊载至今,历经4年销量一直保持良好。故事的时代背景是现在的人类衰退之后经过了好几个世纪,人类因为不明原因而导致出生率严重下降,未来人类的人口 大幅锐减,不要说发展,连文明的传承都没有办法了,人类正慢慢地退…