- Family Feud is an American television game show created by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman. Two families compete against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to a survey-type question posed to 100 people. The format, which originated in the United States, airs in numerous local formats worldwide.
- 卡士柏是靈界中唯一心地善良的小鬼,但是根據靈界法律每個鬼都必須至少在每年嚇到一個人,沒做到的卡士柏限令在聖誕節之前必須盡到職責,不然他與三位叔叔的三鬼組將會被放逐到可怕的黑暗深淵,於是他們四個被派到最有聖誕節氣氛的克李斯鎮,可是心地善良的卡士柏和荷莉卻變成了好朋友而下不了手,此時三個壞心的叔叔決定設下陷阱來好好大嚇全鎮…