- In 2014, director Richard Linklater released Boyhood, a fictional coming-of-age saga that was filmed using the same cast across twelve years. This film mirrors that concept: creating a real-life epic of boyhood and manhood that follows the same individual over 20 years, living in one of the most dangerous countries in …
- 印度某市,所有人的手机突然被来自天空的神秘力量席卷吸走,手机销售大亨、电信运营老板、国家电信部高官等与手机相关的许多人相继离奇死去;城市上空,巨型变异鸟怪突然出现,大开杀戒,向所有手机用户宣战,民众陷入恐慌……危机时刻,科学家瓦西博士在美女助理妮娜的帮助下,一路追踪事件真相,但后果已无法挽回,能够拯救人类的唯一方法只有…