80年代的欧洲高校,同性恋、娘娘腔永远是被欺负的对象。然而有个瘦弱漂亮的男孩,他的目光没有停留在人们带给他的伤口上。他艳羡的看着粉红吊带,红唇眼影——这个叫强斯(泰德·希根布尔克 Tad Hilgenbrink 饰)的男孩梦想有天成为这场视觉盛宴的主角。强斯是同志,而且是想当变装皇后的同志,这让他的高中生活非常之不幸。然而无论校长的白色…
The kids of Degrassi street have now grown to be teenagers attending Degrassi Jr. High where they face the facts and problems that are typical for people their age. Written by Kenneth Chisholm {kchishol@execulink.com}
An independent-thinking doctor in a rural community with his own ideas of how medicine should be practiced begins to find himself ostracized from the community after one of his patients commits suicide.