搜索 Hyeon

  • 电影喜剧
  • Since 2 years ago, Haneul has been teased by Chiwoo who is a delinquent in his school. In the opening day of his third grade, Haneul meets his middle school friend Myeongho who was moved from other high school. From that time, his school life is changed. He gets close with new friends, goes out with a girl friend, draw…
  • A mellow movie about a woman who is tired of the meaningless life with a husband who doesn't even remember her name and a hopeless young man who drives a taxi.
  • "T-Pang Rescue"Baby bear Dung-dung is missing?Twi-twi and his friends guard the fun and peaceful town of Hurry Burry.They are off to find the missing baby bear Dung-dung!However, the playground where the bear went missing is the secret hideout of evil aliens Karoan and his tribe!They need to be stopped before…
  • We broke up, congratulate me.   One day, Chan-yeong and Yoon-hee who have been married for over 10 years, get divorced. This divorce becomes a mystery to everybody since they were known to be a lovebird couple, who was the ideal model coup…
  • 空旷整洁的国际机场,明亮的两地窗前,一对情侣依依不舍,互述衷肠。雍容知性的女子是一位桥梁设计师,此番她即将飞往异国他乡做重要的演讲报告。她拥抱着深爱的男友,从胸口处取下心形的图案,悄然装进对方的口袋中。从这一刻起,她的胸口有了一个空缺,那失去的部分是两个人赖以维系的桥梁。无论在天空上,还是在报告大厅内,无论在街头巷尾,…
  • SYNOPSISNa-young, a call girl, meets Dong-min through her friend Kyung-ah. Dong-min, who comes from a wealthy family, falls for her and she for him. But his father, Chairman Kang, who sets their meeting up through Kyung-ah to teach Dong-min the facts of life begs Na-young to let his son go. Na-young is confused but dec…