- Another amazing find from our friends at Cine-Clasico, "Vier um die Frau" is a 1921 Fritz Lang film found in the Brazilian film archives. The period intertitles are in Portuguese but the plot is not difficult to follow, particularly with the assistance of the invaluable Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien, whos…
- Three young men from Western Europe arrive in Romania with humanitarian aid. The village people welcome them as prestigious guests, and treat them as old friends even though they have only brough useless home appliances and miscellaneous living supplies. When these young men leave the village, the village people also g…
- 卢卡和古斯塔夫必须做出一个决定:他们该继续留在意大利,还是像他们的朋友一样,离开这里呢?高昂的生活消费水平,社保的缺失,陈腐的大学教育体制,对人权的无视和人性的冷漠,都是人们离开意大利的理由。为了寻找继续留在这个国度的理由,他们同意用六个月的时间周游意大利,看看能否再次燃起对这片土地的热爱。他们会驾驶着一辆老式菲亚特5…