- At any given moment in time there are roughly six astronauts living on the International Space Station (ISS). The station itself is divided into two segments one half Russian, one half American. When a world war event occurs on Earth, America and Russia find themselves on opposing sides. As such, both nations secretly …
- Peli and Nina are a couple from a traditional Roma community who were married by arrangement and are parents to a little girl. However, local custom posits that a marital union can only endure if the couple conceive a boy who can later inherit the family’s badge – the chalice (tahtai).
- One of the country’s greatest poets and pop singers bows out and bids farewell to 40 years of career with a smashing farewell concert from VEGA in Copenhagen.
- 奥尔法兽事件过后,随着时间流逝,御台场地区也渐渐复兴著。“回到日本之后,我就决定一定要去大大的澡堂泡澡!”因为美美这句话,加上为了欢迎新加入的伙伴芽心和缅因猫兽,大家前往附近的温泉主题公园。虽然度过了一段开心的时光,但是这儿并没有阿丈的身影。面对高考临近的事实,他在高考和“被选召的孩子们”的使命之间产生了烦恼。“为什么…
- 故事發生在被選召的孩子們首次接觸數碼世界的6年後。2005年的一天,東京港區海面上的波浪在朝陽下搖曳……17歲的高中生八神太一,如常地用手按停眼前的鬧鐘,踢開混亂的被鋪,低聲滴咕下伸展四肢。拉開了窗簾,光線照到桌上一幅「那一天」的集體照上。隨後他在「一路順風,哥哥」的送別聲下,騎上腳踏車出門,奔向那片初夏的青空……現在,冒險…