- Shakespeare's tragedy of the hump-backed Duke of Gloucester, who rises to the throne of England by chicanery, treachery, and brilliance, only to find that his own methods have prepared the groundwork for his downfall.
- Ever since King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, the official explanation had been simply that the government disapproved of his marriage to a twice-divorced woman. However newly-released documents, embargoed until recently, suggest that Archbishop of Canterbury, Cosmo Gordon Lang, played a large part in a plan to make c…
- 彩虹王國的女王為了讓彩虹王子繼承王國,所以叫彩虹王子去哈姆哈姆森林尋找“最重要的東西”,結果彩虹王子遇到了哈姆太郎,哈姆太郎決定與彩虹王子一起去彩虹王國冒險,結果街上的人聽到哈姆哈姆森林都害怕的跑走了,哈姆太郎與彩虹王子鼓起勇氣進入了哈姆哈姆森林,結果最重要的東西竟然是…
- 最恐のストーリー・テラー、桜金造が放つ身の毛がよだつ最新都市伝説66連発!レンタル、コンビニ、ネット、テレビで最も怖がられている都市伝説DVD、最新作!桜金造が選りすぐった怖い話、奇妙な話、不思議な話を一挙66話収録。身近に潜む“闇”に貴方を誘う、最強決定版!