- Plot Summary for The Pianist (1991)Jean and her sister, played by Macha Grenon, have a life long infatuation with the Japanese Pianist who once lived across the street from them during their high school years. The film is set during the family's reunion on Vancouver Island and flashes back and forth over the last 10 ye…
- 影片是一部影人传记式的纪录片,《玛雅黛伦的魔镜》(In the Mirror of Maya Deren)是一位醉心于实验电影的女导演玛蒂娜库拉席克,追溯前辈玛雅黛伦生平的作品,玛雅黛伦不仅对前卫电影与女性电影多有启发,她对巫毒教的热中,也是这部片的另一条重要线索。