- A pair of business rivals discover that they're identical twins and decide to swap places in an attempt to trick their divorced parents to get back together.
- Reut, a young prosecutor, takes over a sexual assault case, based on the sole testimony of Efrat - a rebellious yet fragile victim, who lives with her wild female partner. Reut is reluctant, but as the trial progresses and Efrat collapses, Reut learns the true nature of strength, love and sisterhood.
- 天山派李秋水(林青霞)爱上掌门师兄逍遥子(廖启智),却不知逍遥子所爱的其实是李秋水的孪生妹妹李沧海(林青霞)。而天山童姥巫行云(巩俐)对李沧海亦有超越性别之爱。逍遥子被同门叛徒丁春秋(徐少强)下毒中伤,被迫归隐到飘渺峰,设下“玲珑棋局”等来本性善良、佛性极深的有缘人虚竹 (林文龙),将百年功力悉数相传,以期代他清理门户…