搜索 Ido

  • Il grido del populismo
    Intellectuals promise political change in Italy, offering clear visions and new hope. But their realization comes to an abrupt end, like a filmstrip that breaks. A reactionary government is born, based on hegemonic narratives. What once flourished is now instrumentalized and distorted by the cry of populists.
  • Guido Guidi Lives in Hiding
  • June 1994. In the mountains of the Pyrenees, a man vanishes without motive. Marti is a normal man ; a little bit shy. One morning, he drives away from his spanish village with his motorbike. He leaves the moto under an oak, with his wallet and his cap, and he gets lost in the mountain. He prepares himself to commit sui…
  • 《诺尔玛》原为二幕正歌剧,也有编成四幕演出的。罗马尼编剧,贝利尼谱曲。本剧以公元前50年古罗马占领下的高卢为背景,讲述了高卢威严神圣的女祭司长诺尔玛与族人的死敌——罗马总督波利翁相爱,并生下了两个孩子,但波利翁却负心爱上了更年轻纯洁的女祭司,诺尔玛在万般纠结中,做出了令所有人意想不到的生死抉择。剧中痛彻心扉的爱情之殇令人…
  • 经过一系列莫名其妙的事件之后,艾德琳·格雷(Adeline Gray)认为一个闹鬼的娃娃拥有复仇女巫的灵魂。为了有希望与失踪的女儿团聚,她知道她必须击败魔女娃娃的邪恶诅咒。
  • Well the day of your wedding, Fernando (Leandro Hassum) unwittingly rips the couture gown of a woman. The problem is that she is accompanied by her lover and need, anyway, back home with impeccable dress.
  • 1888年埃及,弗林德斯佩特利(Flinders Petrie)终于闯进了古埃及最富有的君王之一法老阿曼连罕三世(King Amenemhat III)的墓室,经过一年的挖掘,他终于窥见这位已故法老的安息处,发现那里已经空空如也。盗墓者不知如何完成这场千年大窃案,没有留下一丝痕迹,凡是有价值的东西全数遭窃。一队由四位专家组成的顶尖团队获邀重新开启这宗案件,每…
  • 本片由三个章节组成。《杀手》的故事发生在一百多年前。主角玛拉是个年轻的新娘,即将在新的家庭开始生活。《处女》的背景设定在1949 年春天,讲述了一个名叫伊琳娜的年轻女子的故事,她在二战中从因格里亚被驱逐到爱沙尼亚。《影子》设定在当代,介于现实生活和幻想之间。主角露娜·李决定逃离家乡。但是何处可以寻得空虚以外的东西?三个短篇…