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  • Charlie Rose interviews noteworthy people in fields including politics and government, business and economics, science and technology, media, sports and the arts.
  • Mondo cane (A Dog's World, 1962) is a documentary written and directed by Italian filmmakers Paolo Cavara, Franco Prosperi and Gualtiero Jacopetti. The film consists of a series of travelogue vignettes that provide glimpses into cultural practices around the world with the intention to shock or surprise Western film au…
  • 电影
    A mad scientist creates a monster, but after its head is cut off, he keeps it alive in a serum he has invented.
  • Not as good as I expected"E Se Domani" (which is a line of famous Italian song) is vaguely based on the true story of Mimì Rendano (Luca Bizzarri) who, after having held hostages in a bank, planned to throw the money he stole ove…
  • 年轻正义的探长索米尔无疑是编导心目中的英雄。他忠于职守,抓住线索,穷追不舍,伸张正义与维护法制,即使这案子涉及了石油大王马丁内堤,哪怕危及自己的前途命运,他也在所不惜。而对于下层无辜的受害者,如妓女托尼希娜则充满了谅解与同情。他的正义感与大无畏的勇气赢得了他的女友、女记者马丽娅的尊敬与帮助,使他断线结网,取得了重要的罪…
  • 电影恐怖
  • A documentary on Senator John Kerry's Navy tour of duty in Vietnam, his contributions to the peace movement that followed, and the ultimate shape of his future political career.
  • 六十年代初,东非独立,老非洲在杀戮和破坏中消逝,白人离开的同时,少数黑人取代了他们的统治成为新的独裁者,在坦桑尼亚,黑人似乎要打破所有白人的规则,他们雇佣白人保姆,分割白人资产,宣扬黑人的脑功能比白人优异。反白人的组织“矛矛”被阿敏将军庇护,对立到处存在。同时针对野生动物的疯狂捕猎从未停止,少数人为自身的短暂收益让野生…
  • 一支来自意大利的摄制组,走遍世界各地拍摄不同种族女性的生活瞬间。这里有以色列的女兵、好莱坞的模特、香港的卖春女、世界唯一的做弥撒的女性。也记录了不同的风俗和文化,比如巴黎的浪漫情侣每到国庆日便会在公开场合亲吻,查泽莱伯鲁吉亚的女性则在某个英雄忌日当天亲吻他的大理石像,塔希提岛的女人则生来能歌善舞,舞蹈贯穿她们的一生。而…
  • 在完成《非洲残酷写真(再见非洲)》之后,为了表明反对种族主义的立场,Jacopetti和 Prosperi又有了拍摄有关美国奴隶贸易的“历史纪录片”的想法,在Franoise Duvalier的支持下,片子在拉丁美洲的海地拍摄,巧妙地命名为《再见,汤姆叔叔》,于1971年发行,影片放映后因涉及大量意识形态和社会历史观的禁区,得到了来自观众和批评家的共同反感…