搜索 Iero

  • 电影
    Wes Block is a detective who's put on the case of a serial killer whose victims are young and pretty women, that he rapes and murders. The killings are getting personal when the killer chooses victims who are acquaintances of Block. Even his daughters are threatened. http://www.11xz.net/Movie/subject/id/1389.html
  • 电影喜剧
    The film tells futurist, architect, and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller's incredible story through two teens hoping to get laid, become punk gods, and survive high school.
  • 奥拉夫·古恩南德森(凯斯·乔丹 Keith Jordan 饰)和奈森·斯坦福(埃德莫·鲁基罗 Adamo Ruggiero 饰)是大学室友,相貌俊美的他们还有另一层鲜为人知的关系,那就是他们还是一对同性恋人。一年一度的圣诞假期来临,他们也要暂时作别,回到各自的家中和亲人团聚。古恩来自观念相对保守的中西部,在父母面前他是一个善良温柔的男孩,父母甚至为…
  • 新婚在即,准新娘凯瑟琳(马丽莎•泰特 Marissa Tait 饰)和她四个闺蜜兼伴娘索非娅(America Olivo 饰)、艾伯尔(Paulie Rojas 饰)、贝丝(Sita Young 饰)、杰茜卡(Arianne Zucker 饰)从美国来到墨西哥,准备进行最后的疯狂。这5个青春靓丽、喜好玩乐的女孩尽情放纵,全然不顾当地一个精通命理的老妇人对他们的警告。她们在夜店遇见几个同…
  • This highly symbolic and enigmatic political drama by Hungarian director Miklos Jancso was produced by a consortium from Italy, France and West Germany. This film is considered to be an homage to Antonioni as it uses his favorite leading actress (Monica Vitti) and his cameraman Carlo di Palma. This film was made at a t…
  • The movie is generally lacking in character development. The film at one point follows the creepiest-looking gangster (Flavio Bucci from the "The Night Train Murders") to his home where he is shacking up with another gangster's wife and her kid, but more than character development this seems to be more an exc…
  • 故事发生在风景如画的阿根廷。对少女桥格林纳(瓜妲卢裴·阿隆索 Guadalupe Alonso 饰)来说,炎热的夏天意味着洒满阳光的小路、划过脸颊的微咸汗水和肆意挥洒的灿烂笑容。然而,这一年,桥格林纳发现在不经意之间,自己的周围已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,父母之间的关系越来越差,渐渐长大的姐姐开始不再愿意和自己一同玩耍。郁闷之中,桥格林纳…
  • A group of men of differing circumstances and personalities gather at a monastery to undergo a course of spiritual reappraisal. They comprise of a candle-maker, a politician, an ex-prisoner, a novelist and a petty thief trying to elude the police. All have their own spiritual problems to solve, except the thief. The po…
  • 电影
    清洗墙壁涂鸦的春(冈田将生 饰)无意中发现了多处涂鸦,这些涂鸦与最近在仙台发生的多起纵火案件有着千丝万缕的联系,总是出现在纵火案现场附近。觉得暗藏玄机的春找来了哥哥泉水(加濑亮 饰)商量,二人作为秘密侦探开始跟踪这系列纵火案。与此同时,24年前某案件的犯人(渡部笃郎 饰)刑满释放。看似没有联系的两起案件,背后却紧密交织着。…