- Eve is back to unveil the great secret of Eden... ...for centuries it has been hidden in the depths of the Vatican and whoever tried to discovery it has come off badly... But an old prophecy indicated that a wise man will yet again pick the prohibited fruit and will discover the gift of the serpent.
- 意大利某个医院里的老人临终前,她美丽的孙女Olga飞车赶来。老人告诉她有一盒珠宝在俄罗斯。同时却被两个开救护车的,一个等妻子等孩子的大胡子黑手党,一个在医院养病的瘸子和一个医生听了去了。于是,一票人杀往俄罗斯,又有个英俊潇洒的导游来接他们。大家各显神通,分兵前往。中间发生了不少令人啼笑皆非的故事:医生的护照被大胡子从厕所塞…