- Painting: Soir Bleu by Edward Hopper. Edward Hopper's painting of the forlorn circus clown is brought brilliantly to life by director Norman Jewison in "Soir Bleu," a tragic tale of love and murder. The story of Tully, the sad clown and his love for trapeze artist Lola, "Soir Bleu" chronicles events…
- Carson Kressley and Thom Filicia are here to help fight the uniformity and ubiquity of American home design. Thom takes Carson under his wing to teach him interior design by channeling Carson's impeccable sense for fashion. The duo will create breathtaking and affordable home redesigns for their lucky clients using exp…
- 全ての価値観が真逆の“凸凹コンビ”が、専門知識と警察顔負けの情報収集力を駆使して、一筋縄ではいかない巧妙な保険犯罪を調査、真実を導き出していく…!名取裕子と麻生祐未の初共演コンビが、アップテンポな会話劇と本格的な謎解きで魅せる、勧善懲悪・痛快エンターテイメントドラマ!