- 伊尔汗·多甘,出生在德国的土耳其移民家庭,是家里的第三个小孩。 三个孩子在母亲离家出走后寄居于土耳其的舅舅家,因为亲生父亲也说无法照料三个小孩。 好在舅舅艾哈迈德和舅妈梅拉哈特把他们当自己孩子一样对待,尤其是舅妈,更是视如己出。但毕竟他们还是孩子,对妈妈的思念还是深入骨髓。他们以为妈妈离开他们是因为不爱他们,然而真相是否…
- Janaína Nagata’s first feature film and was produced from a chance in 16mm found by chance, with impressive images of South Africa at the time of apartheid.
- The world's biggest reality superstars from some of television's most iconic series come together for an epic vacation at the ultimate shore house, to battle it out for a cash prize and global bragging rights.
- Since autumn 2019, a green wave has been sweeping across Europe. The climate issues raised by Greta Thunberg and the thousands of protesters are bringing a new, younger, female generation to power, promising to shake up the climate-sceptic old guard. A wind of change anticipated by banks and public institutions, who fo…