- How to explain the notion of Slovakia of the past twenty years to a stranger, a visitor from another planet What is the genetic makeup the software of Slovakia? How to use it? How does it change? Slovakia 2.0 is a film about twenty years of independent Slovakia as seen from the perspective of ten film directors. It is …
- 来自 Equestria 的神奇而难以琢磨的魔法,已经来到了小马国女孩们的世界并改变了它所接触到的一切。从放学后的社团活动到海滩上的游玩时光,从音乐派对到主题公园,乃至游艇上的激情春假,魔法让一切都变得更加有趣。Sunset Shimmer、 Twilight Sparkle、 Applejack、Fluttershy、 Pinkie Pie、 Rainbow Dash 以及 R…