- This biographical documentary follows Yuri Ivanovich Manin’s stellar career in the ‘golden years’ of Moscow mathematics during the 1960s and 1970s. He was one of the key players in the development of algebraic geometry, at a time when a c…
- The Quon Dynasty follows a zany and entertaining family of Chinese restaurateurs as they grapple with inter-generational friction and sibling rivalry in their uproarious ongoing quest to build their family business without sacrificing their personal passions. Their restaurant—the Lingnan—is an institution, beloved by…
- 1907 год. После подавления восстания на судах Черноморского флота неблагонадежные матросы были высланы в азербайджанский городок Закаталы. О прибытии матросов узнала бакинск…