- 拥有大量资产的神户家少爷大助前往赴任之处, 是仅会接收在警视厅引发问题之人的 「现代犯罪对策本部准备室」,通称「现对本部」。 大助在那里与重视人情的男人·加藤春组成了搭档。 面对连人命都以价钱衡量的大助,加藤以「世上并非只有金钱」加以反驳。 而各种各样的事件和谜团,阻挡在这对立的2人面前。 超越常识的搜查现…
- In New York City's most quickly gentrifying neighborhoods, a group of fearless residents, activists, and nonprofit attorneys fight corrupt landlords and developers for the basic human right to a home.
- 1934: On a train to Stockholm, where he will shortly receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, Luigi Pirandello relives his fascination with the figures in his life who also inspired his art. Eterno Visionario concentrates on one phase of Pirandello’s career in order to show the playwright’s more intimate side, trapped b…
- 作为摄影师,他拍了40年野生动物。从壮美的东非大草原,到闻名遐迩的历史名城,他的足迹踏遍世界120个国家和地区。早年他拍摄狮子猎豹这些大猫,如今他把主要精力放在拍小猫。他照片里的猫咪充满着逼真跃动感和鲜活生命力,他镜头下的喵星人撒娇打滚萌死人不偿命。本期节目为您带来的是拍猫行家、动物摄影师岩合光昭。你想把自家猫主子拍得更可…
- Corey "Beatdown" Brown is a champion underground fighter that decided to make big moves with his friend Jasper in the world of counterfeit money.