- In this modern adaptation of the Don Quixote theme based on a novel by Graham Greene, Quixote is an old Spanish village priest who travels through Spain with his friend, Sancho, the village's mayor and his car called Rocinante. On their way he has to master the same adventures as his ancestor.
- A mad scientist is forced to leave San Francisco when his experiments become known. He lands on a tropical island, takes control and terrorizes the local populace. The survivor of a shipwreck washes ashore on the island, sees what is happening and determines to free the natives from his rule.
- 一个精神病患者,同性恋和女同性恋电影制片人的袭击者。 当风暴之后决定的同一家公司,他们对金钱应该支付一个著名的女演员。 惊讶的全体职员三个秘书和她的一个朋友,两个员工,一位单身寡居的母亲,盗窃的可能性的情况下强奸马里(Silvia Peyrou)一直想要的。