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  • 电影
    泰國多產同志導演 Thitipan Raksasat 繼兩集《鄰家男孩-唏唏呵呵》後,又一泰性感新作。美女嘉德的丈夫,到韓國公幹後失蹤,令她非常擔心。嘉德只好找來警察好友幫忙,但由於失蹤時間未夠長,警察愛莫能助。焦急的嘉德,唯有找來丈夫的司機幫忙。在丈夫的辦公室內,她找到一張電費單,上面有一個地址,她跟司機決定找上門尋找線索。一間她從來…
  • Poshter Boyz is a humorous take on a key social issue where three ordinary individuals of completely different age-groups find themselves brought together in an unwanted situation that has a serious negative effect on their well-settled happily progressing life. It revolves around an incident of three ordinary people w…
  • On July 31, 2010in Brooklyn, New York, the first ever American Beatbox Championship took place. Contestants of all races, from the north, south, east and west coast of the United States competed. Now it's down to the final eight! This film documents one of the most neglected genres of Hip Hop Culture and places it in i…
  • 故事发生在风景美丽宁静的摩洛哥村庄塔泽卡之中,在这里,伊利亚(奥利维耶·西特吕克 Olivier Sitruk 饰)和奶奶过着相依为命的生活。伊利亚最大的兴趣爱好就是烹饪和背食谱,在奶奶的教导下,他几乎精通的每一种摩洛哥料理。伊利亚对美食的热情和天赋感染了一位偶然经过的法国大厨,在大厨的建议下,伊利亚决定前往美食之都巴黎去闯一闯。就这…
  • ViuTV 真PK-Trip火火、KB一向以大胆、癫丧见称,他们会在新节目中继续发展他们的本色,尽情体验世界上最疯狂、最黑色的事物。
  • A commoner is thrown into a jail cell on suspicion of murder of a local politician. Can he survive the State entrapment, or did he actually do it?
  • 3月8日,MBK娱乐方面表示,旗下女团DIA拍摄的OliveTV综艺节目《Yolo Trip》将于4月初开播。节目《Yolo Trip》是DIA自2015年出道后首次拍摄的实境节目。名称中的“YOLO”为“You Only Live Once”的缩写,代表现代20、30岁年轻人重视自身幸福与享受当下的价值观。在节目《Yolo Trip》中,DIA成员们将根据自己的“YOLO清单”,造访…
  • 电影少女
  • A documentary that explores the diverse world of people who make stop-motion animated films with LEGO® bricks.