搜索 Irela

  • 电影恐怖
    供职于某旅游杂志的记者皮特•麦克卡尔(Michael Vartan 饰)参加了一个在澳大利亚卡卡度国家公园举行的水上冒险旅行团。不过这次旅程对寻求刺激的人们来说似乎过于枯燥,美丽的女导游凯特•瑞恩(Radha Mitchell 饰)带领大家进入尚未开发的水域。正当游客们享受这令人惊叹的湖光山色之时,不远处的天空升起了求救的信号弹。凯特不顾大家返回的…
  • Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, Dr. Watson, try to solve the murder of the heir to the Baskerville fortune.
  • 2个外星人来到好莱坞,由于他们的星球快要撞向太阳,他们需要人类来繁殖,方法是侦察进行着性行为的男女,然后把女传送到宇航船,那里她们会保持着昏睡状态,直到怀孕。
  • 英国最伟大相声表演艺术家苏格兰人比利.康诺利的环球表演之英国巡演。sonychen 注
  • 电影剧情
  • 才华横溢的地下导演Dan Ireland用敏锐细腻的笔触拍摄了这部温馨的家庭电影。Joan Plowright饰演Palfrey女士。她举止优雅, 丈夫去世后搬到伦敦居住。这样女儿的负担也轻些。 当她抵达Claremont酒店, 发觉酒店远没有广告介绍里那么漂亮,Plowright女士于是轻叹一句噢,天呀,失望情绪藏于她一贯的风度之间。她不得不和那些旅店里的怪客住在一起。…
  • The janitor at a local high school is actually the scout for a coven of Satanists on the lookout for a virgin to sacrifice. One day he kidnaps the cheerleading squad to use for their rituals. However, unbeknownst to the devil-worshipers, one of the cheerleaders is actually a witch, and has plans of her own for the Sata…
  • One of those absurdist Irish comedy. Hugh O'Connor would probably have done this a few years back. "The Most Fertile Man In Ireland" services childless women from both sides in Belfast. Similar in tone to "Rat". The indoor lighting is very bad. Best scenes come at the end in a hospital. Above averag…
  • 一个小城的电视台在圣诞节前夕,也是革命纪念日当天准备录制一档关于城市革命记忆的节目。故事从清晨开始,电视台台长正为录制节目而做着准备。其中一位嘉宾玛尼斯古是一位历史老师,刚从宿醉中醒来,随即开始四处借钱补贴薪水,为此他还向昨夜喝醉后辱骂过的华人道歉。另一位嘉宾皮斯科斯,退休后独自生活,邻居来邀请他扮演圣诞老人,他欣然应…
  • Salma Hayek stars as a woman in love with an adult-film actor. Their relationship gets complicated when he is diagnosed as HIV-positive and an old acquaintance of his offers to help him.Gary is in love with Valentino. So is Mary Carmen. Their life changes when Valentino is hit with a deadly disease and is slowly dying …