- "metamorphosis" is a grab on to your seat thriller that takes us on an unforgettable journey exploring life beyond death through a passionate and dangerous love story between a young American writer and a gorgeous and exotic vampire. Through the power of myth, we uncover the lost details of medieval history a…
- Dana is young medical student with no self esteem, she can't deal with life, people and even not with herself. After her boyfriend leaves her, she changes to selfish woman, manipulating people and making them to serve her. She plays with her husband, neighbour and friends - for her own good and for fun.
- This Czech musical deals with adolescent morality and bureaucracy without being heavy handed. Under school supervision, a group of pre-teen boys and girls are busy picking hops. One boy who seeks privacy builds a secret hideaway in an attic. When a schoolgirl finds him in his retreat, innocent puppy-love blossoms, but …
- 主角在失去最亲爱的人之后,为了逃离绝望,他将自己藏在一个安全的记忆之处。在那里,时间静止不动,所有他最亲爱的人都还活着。多年之后,一座城市在他的想像力中成长。有一天,在各个世代意识中,永远年轻的文学英雄和童年时代的卡通偶像,穿着轻便短裤不请自来,到主角的记忆之处。当这些英雄角色逐渐变老并且不再保持永恒的青春时,主角决定…