- Set against the backdrop of an imperial victory in the civil war leading up to the Meiji Restoration, Fallen Blossoms tells the story of the sorrows of women in a geisha house in Kyoto by recounting the relationships of its inhabitants.Alexander Jacoby & Johan Nordström wrote:Ishida’s original and brilliant film tells …
- 最优秀电影:《小偷家族》最优秀导演:是枝裕和《小偷家族》最优秀男演员:役所广司《孤狼之血》最优秀女演员:安藤樱《小偷家族》最优秀男配角:松坂桃李《孤狼之血》最优秀女配角:树木希林《小偷家族》最优秀剧本:是枝裕和《小偷家族》最优秀摄影:近藤龍人 《小偷家族》最优秀照明:藤井勇 《小偷家族》最优秀音乐:細野晴臣 《小偷家族》…
- Jennifer is an Australian girl on the run from her past who washes up in Amsterdam. In a desperate attempt to stay one step ahead of the authorities, she joins a coach-load of tourists embarking on a tour of Holland's world famous windmills. When the bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere, she and the other tourists …