- A husband whose young wife has committed suicide meets for the first and last time his Russian mother-in-law who has arrived to collect the coffin. A quiet war is declared between them. During the sleepless night, attempting to understand the motives of her sudden act, he recounts in the first person, both accuser and …
- Mail <svaradi@sprynet.com> for translation. Ki ne ismerne Mora Ferenc meghitt hangulatu novellajat a kis Bicebocarol, az oreg Kusmodi bacsirol, s a kincskereso kiskodmonrol? Az obanya egy veletlen baleset kovetkezteben felrobban, Biceboca orokre elvesziti egyetlen tamaszat, Kusmodi bacsit. Ferkoek befogadjak a ki…
- Infidelity in a Slovak way. This is a cult film of director Juraj Jakubisko. It is situated in beautiful forest surroundings. Head characters are Domino Dominka, Zlatka Kopecná, Edison, plant female workers and flirtatious woodsmen with their wives.Plot makers are woodsmen and forester, who seeks what they cannot have …