搜索 Issa

  • 电影校园
    故事发生在1921年的英格兰,在一战中所经历的失败令压抑而又沉痛的气氛笼罩了在全国上下。弗洛伦斯(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)是一位打假义士,正义感极强的她将戳穿谎言揭露真相视为己任,她不相信世间有鬼魂存在,存在的只有险恶的人心。  在一所男子寄宿学校中,盛传着闹鬼的传闻,在人们口中,一个非正常死亡的男孩的鬼魂终日徘徊在…
  • Vicky lives a wealthy lifestyle with his widower dad, J.B., in India. Since he has matured, his dad would like him to get married to Sonia, who is the daughter of his friend, D.D., who is an Archeologist, currently looking for artifacts in Sangramgarh. Vicky and Sonia like each other and have no qualms of getting marri…
  • 电影喜剧
    《爱本多磨》是法国典型的由畅销书改编的爱情喜剧影片。该片由Melissa Drigeard导演执导并编剧,亚历山德拉·拉米领衔主演,多米尼克·费赫加担影片任制片人。影片女主人公朱莉(亚历山德拉·拉米 饰)年轻活泼,但在爱情上老是不顺利。某一天上班时,朱莉收到个快件,内容竟是告知她被甩了,这给她带来了致命的一击。于是,《幸福是可以学习的…
  • This digital short was commissioned for the Bigger Picture project in conjunction with the BBC in Manchester, and shown on a public screen in the centre of the city. The fi lm explores the psycho-geography of the city through the experiences of a local woman who is partially blind. It was fi lmed in Manchester around t…
  • The powerful true story behind the most popular Christmas carol of all time. In 1818, when Joseph Mohr is assigned to be the new assistant priest in Oberndorf, a small Austrian town near Salzburg, the young man is full of ideas and ideals. His passion to bring the church closer to the common people sets him on a collis…
  • 一年一度的收获节来临之际,蓝精灵们正在举行一场蓝莓采摘比赛。“小勇敢”因为不满“小聪明”这个九连冠采摘能手所以偷偷尾随“小聪明”来到了蓝精灵禁地——断头蓝谷。原来“小聪明”在这里藏起了大量的蓝莓给自己,难怪他能够轻松赢得比赛。“小勇敢”设计吓走了“小聪明”,谁知“小聪明”在慌乱中掉入了格格巫设置的陷阱,闻讯赶来蓝妹妹跟…
  • Polseres vermelles [1] is a Catalan television show, created by Albert Espinosa. He and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois .   The show draws on Espinosa's childhood experiences,telling the story of a group of children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's win…
  • 一个公道的警察阿穆尔的家人突然被犯罪分子杀光了,而阿穆尔幸运地被救。阿穆尔昏迷着整整五年后,突然醒过来了。但正是犯罪分子也知道了阿穆尔还没死,就派一个杀手想悲剧重现。最后阿穆尔消灭了所有的犯规分子。
  • 一个来自温哥华的正直硬汉,帕拉维,踏上了巴纳拉斯,他自称是嘎乔哈从小失散的哥哥。德哈拉姆和嘎乔哈父子俩也欣然接受了帕拉维,因为帕拉维强有力的肌肉有助于他们的更好的玩诈骗游戏。与此同时嘎乔哈爱上了萨赫巴,一个来自旁遮普的漂亮女孩。当他们的爱情正火热的时候,萨赫巴的哥哥来了并强行带走了她。帕拉维为了帮嘎乔哈赢回自己心爱的女…