- 当孩子不被父母需要时,他们会被送到全国最好的寄宿学校:“家庭学校”。然而,家庭学校似乎更像是一所监狱,而不是一所有着严格规章制度的学校。它的课程也相当独特。学校里的一群学生在开始觉得机构有点不对劲后,试图找出到底是怎么回事学校在树林里。但是这个任务没那么容易。
- Saving her city from the wolves, Little Red Riding Hood will have to solve the mystery of the disappearance of her father Wolfboy, face her fears in the eyes and find her destiny.
- Fifteen-year-old Keri struggles for breath as she returns to consciousness, battered and bruised, adrift on a swell of debris that is quickly washing out to sea. The vanishing shoreline is a cacophony of sirens, screams and destruction. In an instant, her day at the beach, her idyllic American family vacation and her l…
- 埃德温·博伊德是退役军人,当一名普普通通的公交车司机,靠着微薄的工资,勉强养活着一家人。因为其受不了社会的人情冷漠,拿起了枪杆子,打劫银行,后来进去了牢里。谁知道,里面有更加大的银行劫匪在里面,后来就强强联合,越狱。组成史上最强大地银行打劫团伙