- Employing a rich trove of archive film, Mirissa Neff explores the history of South Africa’s outlaw multi-racial rock group, who formed at the height of Apartheid. National Wake emerged in the late 1970s with anti-establishment ideals and a…
- A love story based on the bestseller by Robert Seethaler and is set in a remote Alpine village.
- In a village untouched by time, so isolated that it is not on the map of Russia, Sysoy passes on the tradition of Byzantine chant to his son Ivan. Their hermitic family life finds its cadence in the movements of working the land and a rigorous spiritual practice, which seem intended to prepare the young teenager for an…
- The movie is based on the real story of Nika Turbina, once world-famous Soviet child poetess, who got completely forgotten in the 1990s. That's when we meet her: at the age of 27 Nika is full of hopes and doubts regarding her gift. Due to the age restriction, she's got just one shot to enter the Drama School, and that'…