- Mamoru is a high school student who is about to fail because he has been missing school and lacks the necessary number of days to graduate. While on the one hand he feels a sudden urge towards violence and murder, on the other hand he longs to become a farmer in a mountain village. Such ambivalent feelings are depicted…
- An important part of Brazilian history, this is the story of Anayde Beiriz - as played by Tania Alves - poetess, journalist, teacher, a revolutionary in her time (the 1920s and 1930s), and known for her sexuality. Her great love for Joao Dantas triggered the assassination of Joao Pessoa, the Governor of Brazil's Parahy…
- 故事讲述住在诺斯特拉达姆斯邻镇的努斯特拉达马斯留下了一个预言:“在 20 和 23 并列的年份,天上会降下两道光芒。一道是黑暗之光,另一道是小小的白光……不久,黑暗之光就会拥有强大的力量,扰乱和平,给世界带来巨大的混乱。” 然后 2023 年夏天,两道光从宇宙接近。等待晚饭的新之助被白色的光击中了,身体充满不可思议的力量。“屁股…
- 昭和十九年七月--グァム島日本軍陣地は米軍の猛攻盤のため潰滅の寸前にあった。奥地へ逃げる敗残兵の中に、足を負傷した高野兵長、皆川がいた。二人は途中で西村上等水兵と一緒になり洞窟に逃げこんだ。中には伊藤兵長ら十名ほどの兵隊がいた。米軍の食糧置場襲撃に失敗し、激しい攻撃を受け、全員ちりぢりになり西村は戦死した。グァム島を制…