- Locals and neighbouring farmers in a small town in Iceland try to scrape a living out of a system that has left them behind. The residents of Budardalur stick together in their fight for survival, continually threatened by bankruptcy and market middlemen pushing for lower prices of their produce.
- 2009年萨尔茨堡音乐节以舞台制作的形式,上演亨德尔的清唱剧《西奥多拉》,讲述早期基督教殉难者的故事。该制作在萨尔茨堡节日剧院演出,Ivor Bolton指挥弗赖堡巴洛克乐团,萨尔茨堡巴赫合唱团,由Christof Loy担任舞台导演。
- Artist and life-long nerd Johannes Grenzfurthner is taking us on a personal road trip from the West Coast to the East Coast of the USA, to introduce us to places and people that shaped and inspired his art and politics. Traceroute wants to chase and question the ghosts of nerddom's past, present and future. An exhilara…
- It's the story of a hilarious journey of a pair of talented and multiple awards winning Art Director, Bosco & Jojo, from Argentina, venturing out to make their first feature film. Bosco & Jojo's, early success in the 90's, sees them founded the legendary infamous club, 'Kim Y Novak', frequented by the likes of Francis …