  • 伊拉克战争的十年后,退休教师杰夫到达巴士拉来看看他儿子克里斯,在2007年以皇家空军预备役队员的身份曾服役并最后牺牲的地方。他想看看他儿子的牺牲是否值得。 他想要看看战争对于当地百姓生活的影响。是否西方发动的这场战争有让伊拉克当地人民的日子过得好些?他访问了一所当地小学、一家被美军士兵残害了12名家人的家庭。最终他能看到伊拉…
  • Jools Holland presents BBC Two's flagship music show, with legendary musicians and brand new acts from around the world, all performing live.
  • The course of true love does not run smoothly for two young lads in Norman's Cozy Welsh campsite in the mid 80s. Paul, an innocent northerner from Rochdale, meets George, a jack the lad, nervy young man from London. Paul has come on holiday with his domineering mum Denise and her attempts to control him, though comic, …
  • increase to 80%. Life in a mega city is both enchanting and problematic. Today we face peak oil, climate change, loneliness and severe health issues due to our way of life. But why? The Danish architect and professor Jan Gehl has studied human behavior in cities through 40 years. He has documented how modern cities rep…
  • 2011年,旧金山交响乐团诞辰一百周年,这部庆生纪录片回顾乐团从旧金山大地震后艰难起步,在皮埃尔·蒙特惊人的全美巡演后迅速起飞,小泽征尔带来的狂热,现任指挥麦克·迪尔森·托马斯的苦心经营,以及乐团如何募集资金、吸引观众、改造新音乐厅。旧金山交响乐团授权上海艺术人文频道于2012年10月7日,国内首播该纪录片,以迎接乐团在2012…
  • 17岁的女孩克莱尔被一种未知的并且无法治愈的寄生虫病毒危险着,同时她身边的人也与她一样。但是克莱尔因为一些未知的原因渡过了死亡期,因此她被孤立和隔离在自己的家里,而她的家人早已搬迁到了其它的地方,她只能通过网络和手机短信与她的朋友联系。在这期间唯一一个与她接触的就是每天都来看他的生化医生,克莱尔是这位医生唯一可以研究的实…
  • 讲述的是一对男女冲破了重重阻碍,最终有情人终成眷属的故事...
  • Graders is a chiller, set in a seafood factory in the Scottish Highlands.