- In the Indian State of Kerala, a number of Communist parties still wield considerable power today. The basis for this was laid in the 1940s and 1950s, when left-wing leaders led an uprising against the oppression of workers and farmers. The divide-and-rule tactics, used by tyrannical bosses, was symbolised particularly…
- Based on Henry James’ novella The Beast in the Jungle, the story charts a breath-taking huis clos: for 25 years, in an enormous nightclub, a man and a woman watch and wait for an unknown event. From 1979 to 2004, we follow the evolution of…
- 《Idol Challenge : Another Class》是为了遗弃动物制作的善良捐赠挑战节目,偶像团体挑战各种游戏和任务,成功的话就以偶像和粉丝的名义向遗弃动物保护所捐赠饲料。《Idol Challenge : Another Class》在Youtube频道THE K-POP和Vorago,韩国时间每周四下午5时播出。