搜索 JUN

  • When the hurricane shuts down the ferry, a film team gets stuck in an isolated island hospital, known for a silent psychological war between the inmates and the staff.
  • 电影惊悚
    阿莉莎,一个年轻女人断了胳膊,腿和马克,一个老兵遭受创伤后应激障碍,必须生存nano-robotic僵尸爆发的归零地。 阿莉莎,在轮椅上,必须用她的智慧逃脱一个废弃的医院在运行时被僵尸马克,必须收回他争夺海洋学到的技巧,如果他能够活着出来。
  • ZUCKERBROT UND PEITSCHE (“Sugar Bread and Whip”) was the second feature film written and directed by Marran Gosov. For more information about him and the so-called “Munich group”, check out the biography below (well, kind of) which I typed…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影
    Rosario works as a street seller on the fairgrounds of the suburbs of Naples. His dream to escape poverty latches onto the musical talent of his daughter Sharon. He turns into an impresario to make her a star of the Italian folk music.
  • 传说当一个人在身上有着MahaAut标志的纹身时,就会有着一种神秘的力量,虽则大家还不知这种力量孰正孰邪。三个人就发现他们对MahaAut标志的纹身有着不同的反应。前军人Ka-jorn发现他可以在战争期间隐身。Thongkam则希望藉着利用这种神奇力量的秘密来赚钱。孤儿Jet却因为纹身得悉自己距离离世之日不远……
  • 一位母亲拿着已故女儿的娃娃作为媒介,与她的灵魂沟通,后果却令人毛骨悚然,本片为印度尼西亚电影《鬼娃》的续集
  • 《태권동자 마루치 아라치》는 1977년에 제작된 대한민국의 애니메이션이다. 1974년초부터 방송된 문화방송의 어린이 라디오 연속극 《태권동자 마루치》를 토대로 만들었다.‘마루치’와 ‘아라치’는 2004년 영화 아라한 장풍 대작전에서 다시 등장한다.
  • 2009年萨尔茨堡音乐节以舞台制作的形式,上演亨德尔的清唱剧《西奥多拉》,讲述早期基督教殉难者的故事。该制作在萨尔茨堡节日剧院演出,Ivor Bolton指挥弗赖堡巴洛克乐团,萨尔茨堡巴赫合唱团,由Christof Loy担任舞台导演。
  • Ryan discovers his friend Brent is the father of one of his girlfriends twins babies and that he date raped her at a party over the summer. With college around the corner he will stop at nothing to clear his name.