- 《Lying Man》是由战旗TV打造的一档电竞真人秀娱乐节目,每期将会邀请多位电竞明星大咖作为嘉宾,让他们一起玩时下流行的互动语言游戏,也许他们在游戏上是翘楚,但是来到了《Lying Man》的世界中究竟谁是“渔夫”,谁是“鱼”?一起来节目中寻找答案吧!
- 《热血男儿》节目是一档由接受韩国观众参与评选,并通过网站投票结果确定最终谁能作为歌手出道的节目。韩国JYP公司培养的13名还未出道的新人在出道前就受到了外界的广泛关注,这13名学员的年龄在17岁到22岁之间,而他们的培训老师是曾培养出Rain,Wonder girls等知名歌手和组合的韩国著名艺人朴振英。虽然这13人都是已经通过激烈的竞争才成为了…
- Kaufman's Game follows Stanley, a driven young man with a passion for boxing, who is keen to improve his strength and stamina. When a shady stranger approaches him outside the gym with the offer of a specially produced steroid, Stanley is drawn into the ever more violent operations of a powerful organization, unwitting…