- 令人惊叹的音乐童话故事“这部歌剧将给予少年儿童听众一个美好的契机来发现新奇的当代音乐”摘自2011年2月12日,瑞士《公正快报》,乐评家:Fabrice DuclosL'émerveillement d'un conte musical"Ce spectacl e aura fourni aux jeunes auditeurs une jolie occasion de découvrir la mu…
- After a corruption conspiracy leads to the cold-blooded murder of Enrique Delavida (Enrique Herrera). His son Manuel Delavida (Carlos Guerrero) a wealthy and respected, father swears to gain revenge. He ignores any notion of remorse as he commits to punishing those responsible for the death of his beloved father. Howev…