搜索 Jacque

  • An Arab boy, Abdullah, loves his donkey, Bim, but another boy, Massoud, who also happens to be a prince, is jealous of Abdullah and his relationship with Bim, so Massoud steals the donkey and plays mean tricks on him, such as painting him and trying to cut his ears off. Abdullah tries to rescue Bim but is caught by pal…
  • When Cleo - born on a very auspicious day in the Chinese calendar - turns 18, she finds out that the Chinese mafia murdered her father. Outraged, she goes to Athens' Chinatown to confront the killers but soon realizes that in order to take her revenge she first has to face her own dark destiny.
  • Lamb is a troubled veteran and his girlfriend, M, is tormented as well. When he's not working as a security guard in an old warehouse with other unstable vets, Lamb haunts a nightclub frequented by wounded and traumatized ex-soldiers. There he meets a one-armed vet, Thrill, who starts a strange story about the effects …
  • At a party for their 50th anniversary, Michael and Betty share that the secret to their happy marriage is that they have no secrets, but nothing could be further from the truth. After Michael finds a provocative doll amongst flea market-bound trash, their world is turned upside down. Through the heartbreaking and hopef…
  • Under somewhat murky circumstances, American independent filmmaker Jon Moritsugu was invited by PBS to make an hour-long film. The result was the nightmarish Terminal USA, a garishly lit version of the American Dream filmed on the ugliest sitcom set imaginable."... Moritsugu turns the American sitcom family on its…
  • Anticipation, ou l'Amour en l'an 2000 est un court métrage réalisé par Jean-Luc Godard en 1966 et est sorti en 1967. Il a été tourné en noir en blanc, à l'exception de la scène finale. Il est l'un des épisodes du film Le Plus Vieux Méti…
  • 制造赫赫有名铁达尼号的英国「白色之星」(White Star Line)轮船公司,当年制造了三艘超大型邮轮,除了铁达尼号之外,还有布列塔尼号和奥林匹克号,其中只有奥林匹克号完役退休,其他两艘都遭到沉船的命运,本片便是叙述布列塔尼号在第一次世界大战初期被德国间谍炸沉的故事。 第一次大战爆发后,英国政府徵召布列塔尼号,负责将伤兵从希腊运回…
  • 本片所描绘的是1940—1944年,法国在被德国占领时期,法国抵抗组织在铁路上展开的种种斗争:运送抗德人员和传单的通道,破坏设施和一系列的谋杀。而这些行动的直接后果就是德国占领军变本加厉的压迫和对法国人质的屠杀。英法美盟军登陆后,德国“阿夫尔克号”列车准备给前线的德军运送给养。法国铁路工人和游击队员一起配合,堵截了德国“阿夫尔…
  • 电影剧情
    安东尼(让·雷谢夫 Jean Rochefort 饰)从小就对理发师这个职业情有独钟,在他所暗恋的理发师雪弗夫人(Anne-Marie Pisani 饰)猝死后,他决心长大后一定要娶一个理发师为妻。长大后的安东尼遇见了马蒂德(安娜·加列娜 Anna Galiena 饰),两人迅速坠入了爱河。虽然母亲不愿承认儿媳妇的存在而父亲又在重要关头心脏病突发过世,但安东尼要将马…
  • 电影剧情