搜索 Jacques

  • Adaptation de l’ouvrage éponyme de Didier Eribon publié aux éditions Flammarion.
  • 电影剧情
    一名印度裔美国选手连续 12 年赢得著名的斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛冠军,这是体育史上保持最久的记录。《拼字王》讲述了四名印度裔美国学生在追求赢得标志性锦标赛冠军这一梦想道路中的起起落落。这部电影从 CNN 的桑吉·古普塔博士和法里德·扎卡里亚、喜剧演员哈里·科达博卢、ESPN 的凯文·内甘迪、1999 年斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛冠军、努普尔…
  • 一家航空公司雇用了三名瑞典女人做为空姐,三位魅力四射的女人,特别有上进心,在工作中为乘客提供了一些特别的服务。
  • 电影剧情
  • Aprèslefeu
    A few kilometres from Ajaccio, the burnt earth gives in to the weight of colour. The ground opens up and frees pictorial energies that take over the sky. I see the horizon disappear, but I keep it in my sights. The train continues on its way...
  • This long-lost masterpiece of hardcore gay erotic cinema centers on a handsome young stud who rides his motorcycle through myriad sexual encounters, from a soccer game’s locker room to a phantasmagoric and deeply melancholy orgy. A labyrinth of all-male fantasies whose outstanding beauties always end up fading away whi…
  • 法國抒情歌王查爾阿茲納弗94歲高齡辭世,熱愛音樂的他主演過杜魯福的《射殺 鋼琴師》,更酷愛拍片。他曾為Edith Piaf寫歌,獲贈攝影機,從此拍上癮。超8米 厘、16米厘,不停拍,到處拍。麥克迪多明尼高有幸一睹珍藏,剪輯成阿茲納弗 的影像日記,帶領觀眾走入菲林的時光隧道,由1948到1982,甜蜜、苦澀、遠遊 在在紀錄,最珍貴的卻是那擁抱生命…
  • A married couple has problems and he wants to solve these against her wish by consulting a psychiatrist. As both expect an older woman they are very surprised when the psychiatrist reveals to be a good looking younger woman of the same age as they are. Especially he likes it this way whereas she becomes kind of jealous…
  • Frank is fired from a car repair workshop where he works illegally. In his area, it's the zone. Although very attached to his life with Maroussia, Frank must leave to find work elsewhere, far from home. Twelve thousand euros is the sum of which they both agree, the amount he must earn before returning. Will Frank succe…