搜索 Jade

  • 莉莉丝是传说中人类始祖亚当的第一任妻子,她带着嗜血的欲望从沉睡中苏醒。由于她对上帝的藐视,作为永久的惩罚,她遭到诅咒化为魅魔在人间以吸食无辜男子的精力和淫欲为生。传说只有夏娃血统的大女儿才有能力阻止莉莉丝。 这个神选之人就是瑞雯·瑞 丽,她就是那个带有印记的人,只有杀死魅魔,她才能得以安息。
  • 电影
    Somewhere between good and evil lies the innocence of man and the dark twisted desires that man has succumbed to. Somewhere between black and white, predator and victim, lies a fine muddied grey line. "To kill the monster, one must become the monster" After the brutal murder of her mother and sister years ear…
  • 直接电影运动的代表人物、纪录片大师弗雷德里克·怀斯曼把镜头对准享誉世界的疯马俱乐部,记录下这些令男人疯狂、让女人羡慕的裸体歌舞秀表演者,以及他们台前幕后的生活。◎幕后制作世界最著名的无上装艳舞俱乐部、巴黎的“疯马”再度登上银幕。由82岁的美国纪录片名导弗雷德里克·韦斯曼执导的《疯马歌舞秀》威尼斯、多伦多和圣巴斯蒂安电影节…
  • 电影
    电影取材自麦炳荣和凤凰女的粤剧戏宝《凤阁恩仇未了情》。  嫣公主(蔡卓妍 饰)一心远嫁藩国当皇妃,在漫漫的出嫁途中,与负责护送的程将军(林峰 饰)成为斗气冤家,岂料两人日渐生情。二人不顾此情天地不容,交换陪嫁明珠与家传翡翠,以作定情之时,却遇山贼来袭。混乱之中,嫣失足堕崖,程落入山贼之手。一对有情人失散,各有一段奇遇。程…
  • Double agent Picasso Trigger is assassinated in Paris by double-crossing bad guy Miguel Ortiz. Then Ortiz begins eliminating agents of The Agency who were involved in his brother's death. The Agency (belatedly) springs into action to stop Ortiz' heinous activities. The usual gunplay, romance, and nifty toys with bombs …
  • 讲述少年卡登和他朋友的故事。'The Ground Beneath' follows the emotional journey of a young teenager, Kaden, who lives a life of fear and threat. His friendship with Casey, the girl from school, and Lewis, a boy that spends time in his street, becom…
  • In February of 2006, a documentary film crew from Dallas, Texas followed a young woman as she began her career in the porn industry. By March, she had disappeared.
  • 电影
    On the night of his untimely and mysterious death in post Civil War New Orleans, world chess champion PAUL MORPHY'S exciting and tortured life is reviewed. Known as the greatest chess player in the modern era, Morphy was a multidimensional genius prodigy.
  • After a string of crushing personal and professional humiliations, Jack Lee accepts that at age 39 he is a failure. Worst of all, he's let down his selfless immigrant parents. To get back on track, Jack reaches out to others: an almost famous guru, a respected arts administrator, and two fellow computer programmers, al…
  • 泰姬陵,世界上最美丽的陵墓,竣工于1654年,印度莫卧儿王朝皇帝沙贾汗为纪念皇后所建,联合国世界遗产。科学家揭示宏伟陵墓的建筑秘密,以及背后隐藏的权力和背叛。