- Lotus tells the turbulent story of German-Baltic Countess Alice Von Trotta, an outsider who, by overcoming physical and mental obstacles and prejudices, became an avant-garde filmmaker in Latvian silent cinema. The feature promises to incorporate “elements of various film genres” and to include “quotes from world cinem…
- Netflix与Most Valuable Promotions(MVP) 联袂献上一场重量级拳击盛宴,由人称“问题小子”的杰克·“雄鸡”·保罗(9胜1负,6次击倒)迎战被誉为“地球上最凶悍之人”的迈克·泰森(50胜6负,44次击倒)。这场万众瞩目的杰克·保罗与迈克·泰森之战将于2024年11月15日周五通过Netflix平台面向全球独家直播,比赛地点设在美国得克萨斯州阿灵顿…
- Defining Moments is a highly comedic film about that one single moment in time that changes you from who you were to who you'll be.