- 'Catching Clouds' follows the story of Greg, a struggling writer, and his life after meeting Niamh, a woman who cannot control her innate ability to disappear into thin air.
- BEN, a family man befriends a homeless young man, inviting him to stay with him while his family is away. The young man begins to show signs of disturbing behaviour. A harmless rejection triggers off a psychotic reaction from the young man who holds Ben captive. Ben is broken down psychologically until he becomes compl…
- A nasty "businessman" strives to get a deal back on track after an archaeologist removes a computer chip from an artifact before it is stolen.
- On an unknown planet in an uncertain time, a two-tiered society has taken shape. The ruling class live above ground and wear masks on their faces, while the working class labors below the surface of the planet. The lowest order of the underground culture – prisoners, revolutionaries and various troublemakers – are forc…
- Puck is a music hall dancer, married to an abusive husband. One night the music hall catches fire. Puck is rescued by an army officer and her husband perishes. Puck marries the officer and they begin a new life in India, until a man from her past finds her and makes demands.