“Dong Poo Dee” is the story about Kom a young girl who grew up with her mother Kae, who has amnesia. The two are supported by Kru Sompon who is the owner of a school. Kae faints on the day that Kru Sompon throws a party for his older broth…
Three women whose lives turn upside down when Hanna's son, Jacob, is involved in a serious car accident and claims that he remembers his earlier life as a pilot of a lost passenger plane.
它通过Gap讲述了一个关于BL粉丝的故事,一个从来没有任何经验的普通男生和一个活跃在粉丝圈的女生。这个系列是关于音乐乐队的。\r\n It tells a story about BL's fandom through Gap, an ordinary boy that never has any experience and the female lead who is an active member …
它描绘了一个超越死亡的快乐爱情故事。尹欧是一个鬼魂,因为他的怨恨而不能离开人类世界。然后他会和一个人有一个爱情故事。 It depicts a joyful love story from beyond death. Yoon Oh is a ghost who cannot leave the humans realm because of his grudge. He will then live a lo…