搜索 Jani

  • After being stood up by her boyfriend on New Year’s Eve, Tasha meets up with a seemingly kind, sensitive fellow, but the mood quickly changes when he reveals himself as delusional and violent. This evocative film follows a woman’s struggle…
  • Sunny Bridges (or just Sunny) is among the biggest music stars of his time. However, he grew sick of the commercialism and fame that came with his craft, and longed to "follow the music" again. To find it, he traveled to his childhood neighborhood, "A-Town", and stumbled upon the First-Year Music Cl…
  • 纳鲁多无意进入一个神秘的地下室后,性格起了莫大变化,纳不知从何而来的复生咒把邪恶的魔鬼梅金唤醒。威塔瓦感到纳的变化,与女友罗妮决定到地下室阻止这一切。纳为使梅金成不死之身,令许多无辜少女成为祭品及加入魔鬼门徒之列。邪恶的少女门徒剧增,情况变得难以收拾……Narudom突然间性情大变,由一个好人变成一名极为阴险及不懂交际的人。…
  • Videos include: Da Funk, Around the World, Burnin, Revolution 909, Fresh, Rollin & Scratching live in L.A. Also includes exclusive unreleased material, behind the scenes documentaries, remixes from Armand Van Helden and more.
  • 故事中心圍繞在一個女人和白雪公主般的女兒身上。女人遊走於河流和洪流的景色間,飄零於家庭與戰爭間,游移在回憶和病痛裡,最終,她置身在一座森林裡極樂地漫步,整個過程讓我們看見,最美麗的童話故事中藏有黑暗,也有光明的發展。
  • 《繼續繼續繼續》呼喚出一個神秘而不為人知的世界,裡頭存在著秘密的訊息、隱晦的語言和難解的密碼。電影以清晰的黑白色調拍攝,使用2D、3D的小型人物和佈景,融合皮影戲,巧妙呈現出夜間任務有多麼緊急,多麼攸關生死。