搜索 Jani

  • Selma, 17, who lives in a bourgeois and secular Berber family. When she meets Julien in college, she realizes for the first time the impact of patriarchal rules on her intimacy.
  • 电影
  • 为期10天的第30届莫斯科国际电影节于6月28日落下帷幕,伊朗导演雷萨米尔·卡里米执导的影片《那样简单》一举夺得电影节最高奖项圣乔治金奖。电影《那样简单》讲述的是现代社会中一名普通伊朗妇女一天的生活。雷萨米尔·卡里米执导的电影《在月光下》曾获得2001年东京国际电影节评委会特别奖。
  • Rumble is a story of four aged rockabillies' journey in 2000's Finnish summer driving red Cadillac while listening 50's rock and roll. They're seeking to find pizza on the road while drinking heavily
  • 该片主要讲述的是男主人公戈帕尔和他的其他3位朋友因为成绩的原因坐在教室的最后座,并受到老师和同学们的各种嘲笑。面对历史成绩时,妈妈拿他与其他孩子进行比较,爸爸的袒护使得爸爸与妈妈的感情也受到威胁;同学不再借书给戈帕尔,因为同学的妈妈觉得自己的孩子被戈帕尔带坏了;补习班老师对他提出的问题不予理睬。戈帕尔不明白为什么自己会…
  • After Rémi infidelity, Lila, who loved him more than anything, has a hard time dealing with their break-up. One day, he announces that he will travel alone to Bolivia to soul-search and tryto understand his mistakes. There, he lets her kno…
  • 从地下恐怖的边缘开始,令人恐怖的恐怖故事无处不在,其中有简短但令人恶心的鲜血淋漓的恐怖故事。
  • 本片由前南著名女演员Mira Stupica主演,她被公认为20世纪南斯拉夫影史上最伟大的女演员,曾3次获得普拉电影节最佳女主角奖,一次德国电影杰出个人成就奖,2007年获南斯拉夫电影终身成就奖,在2000年Vecernje novosti杂志评选的20世纪南斯拉夫最佳男女演员的名单中她排在首位。The war wind has passed, leaving perm…
  • Philip Marlowe gets involved when limp-wristed and snidely Leslie Murdock steals a rare doubloon from his mother to give to a newsreel photographer in exchange for film that is being used for blackmail purposes. Marlowe's involvement has him encounter a girl who goes into hysterics when touched by a man; a husband-kill…
  • Paula Hudson purchases a mink coat on a tip from her hairdresser. She later finds out it is stolen. The police question her and she says she bought it from a fashion model. When the police question the hairdresser and the model, both deny any knowledge of the fur. Paula later meets with a man to discuss the fur. She di…