- The story revolves around Rajveer (Jackky Bhagnani) a hard-working rich youngster, who is the heir of his father Yashvardhan Grewal (Darshan Jariwala), and his company Grewal Motors Co. When Rajveer falls in love with Madhuri (Nidhi Subbaiah), he realises that she hates all rich people, and has much sympathy for poor f…
- The figure of a white-winged horse has haunted Taha since childhood. Many years ago he had begged his sweetheart to escape their war-torn town together with him. But she chose to stay behind, for she promised her heart to the one who appeared to her as a white-winged horse. Now Taha returns with big hopes that he can w…
- Set in an imaginary Central European town under Turkish control about 300 years ago, this film tells the story of two friends - fisherman Richardus (Stefan Kvietik) and executioner Emil (Vlado Muller). They are proud, defiant men, with Janosik blood flowing through their veins. Their inherent rebelliousness, manifestin…
- Shortly after the World War I and creation of the new Czechoslovak Republic, two war veterans are confronted in a small village in the north of Slovakia at the border with Poland. For one of the protagonists - Marek Orban (Michal Docolomansky), this village is his home. As it is isolated and lacks job opportunities, he…