- 这是一个居住在美国的印度移民家庭。温暖的阳光柔和地洒满客厅的地面,身穿超人服装的小男孩拿着公仔早早坐在电视机前,等待动画片《超级战队》的上演。客厅的另一头,男孩的父亲穿着传统服装坐在一个极具民族特色的柜子前,准备进行例行的礼拜。父子俩看似相安无事,但是电视机的聒噪让父亲有些烦躁。他先是调低声音,看儿子还不就范干脆关掉电…
- Popular YouTubers, filmmakers and collectors lift the curtain on their manic media collecting obsession that is not only a huge part of their lives, but the lifeblood of their existence. This new collector's documentary goes where no documentary has gone before as we enter a world of Horror hoarders, VHS hoarders, Viny…
- A guy convinces his family to go on a vacation, on which he secretly plans his own private adventure.