搜索 Jay

  • A deadly mistake sets an introspective henchman on a violent crusade against a mid-level crime boss with demons of his own.
  • 电影
    This film is based on Mahabharata.
  • 当一个人处于困局之中,他究竟会怎么做?是坐以待毙,还是起死回生,将敌人置之于死地?当主人公斯凯奇(Sketch)去执行那生死未卜的计划时,女主阿穆和斯凯奇之间的表白表明了彼此的心迹……斯凯奇和阿穆的爱情将何去何从?敬请观看吧!
  • 电影生活
  • 一位母亲拿着已故女儿的娃娃作为媒介,与她的灵魂沟通,后果却令人毛骨悚然,本片为印度尼西亚电影《鬼娃》的续集
  • There Are Monsters is a feature length horror based upon the apocalyptic premise that the world is being taken over -slowly, quietly and efficiently- by creatures that look exactly like us. The story follows a graduate-student film crew who, on a work-related road trip, discover evidence of these doppelgangers. Soon th…
  • Shanker and Rita's marriage is finalized by their elders in their childhoods, however, after growing up, Shanker loves Shobna. Shanker is told to marry Rita instead, and he does so. The marriage is rocky as Rita does not pay attention to her husband and son. Then Shobna re-enters their life. Memorable songs too: "…
  • THE CONTROL tells the story of what happens when a cutting-edge computer-brain interface is developed to keep hibernating colonizers safe and sane for their journey. To send humanity to a distant galaxy, the mysterious CEO of The Fuller Corporation must develop a cutting-edge computer-brain interface to keep his hibern…