- Set against an urban backdrop, "Badmaash" is a romantic thriller about Vijay, an intelligent, playful and witty lad and Priya, an RJ and a fiercely passionate Kannadiga who tries to teach Kannada and Indian culture to Non-Indians through street plays and theatrical plays. Right from their first encounter, Vij…
- Darryl Masters is the host of his own house flipping show, "Mastering Disaster", along with his daughter and presumptive heir to his business, Rebecca. As soon as they begin work on their ...
- Comedian Tom Papa knows exactly what a mule feels like. Well, sorta. His third hour-long stand-up special.
- We thought we cured the virus.....we were wrong....a stronger, more intelligent zombie was born...
- Freedom is a dream of every man and woman. Kero is an immigrant from Asia. Coming to Los Angeles he found himself between two fires. On the one side he is pursued by police and security service. On the other side he is attacked by drug-mafia, demanding money. But the real freedom is the only dream of Kero and prostitut…
- The three Morgan brothers, Glenn, Jim and Buddy are all air mail pilots. The plane flown by Jim is shot down by Hugh Jeffries for the money it carries. Another flight is made by Buddy followed by Jeffries intending to shoot him down also...