- A Cult sci-fi comedy fom Uzbekistan, produced in 1991-1992. Uzbekistan had a reputation for its films when it was still part of the USSR. The international success of Abdulladzhan, or dedicated to Steven Spielberg (1992) proved that the Uzbek film industry was still viable even after its independence. The country's rep…
- 1937年夏,日军控制下的绥江县城发生一起抢劫案,白俄罗斯罗蒙洛夫银行一批珍贵文物遭到洗劫。无独有偶,日军绥江宪兵队长内田一雄向长岛少佐看守的军火库秘密押运一批绝密物资,再三嘱咐没有宪兵队的命令谁也不能动。李朝阳带领抗日冲锋队正要夜袭军火库,突然接到省委紧急通知,为保护并适时抢回这批文物暂停行动。李朝阳率队返回山林驻地,等…